The money pit – Nissan Patrol  Y62

Over last year my Nissan Patrol  Y62 became a money pit. I was somewhat surprised and disappointed with the car quality build and expenses. It has only 72,000 miles (~…

Tires (tyres) care in the desert conditions

In hot environment (Middle East, some parts of Australia, Central Asia,  etc.)  tires are loosing their elasticity and getting hard. There are two risk driving on hard tires (tyres): In…

Nissan Patrol Desert winter treatments

After washing 5.1m long and 2m wide (16 ft long and 6 ft wide) car weekly for over two years I started thinking how to minimize the efforts and time,…

Improving Nissan Patrol (Y62) suspension

Every country with bad roads has its own reasons. In Kuwait those are hot weather, increased demand due to expanding population among other issues. During 2021 I had to replace…

Cost of owning Nissan Patrol over the years and Nissan CEO’s response

From this article you will have first hand information on how much does Nissan Patrol ownership cost in the Middle east.  Information is incomplete, as when I approached Nissan, they…

Applying car ceramic coating in the desert – Gtechniq Crystal Serum and EXO v4

This is a historical description, as the coating was applied in December 2022.  I have previously tried and install following coatings: Meguiar’s Hybrid Paint Coating – my first one. Declared…

Car rubber care (treatment and nourishment) in the desert

I friend recently came over to visit driving Mercedes CLS400 AMG.  The model is 2015 and with only 80,000 km (50,000 miles) since 2015 drives nicely despite of numerous pot…

Nissan Patrol rubber care in the desert

When I tried to make my Nissan Patrol wheels alignment after purchasing “Michelin Latitude Tour HP” tires, it was not possible. I was told that front side lower arm assembly…

Why you should NOT have Ceramic or Glass coating

Ceramic and Glass coatings have no reference to any type of chemistry. In the USA paint protection coating called Ceramic, while in Japan and the East they are mainly called…

Nissan Patrol in Middle East – tyres and exterior maintenance.

New Tyres for Nissan Patrol Platinum SE:  At this time, I realized that the german colleague was not really looking after the car even to the basic standard. I replaced…